Wednesday 30 November 2011

Third Year

in beautful istanbul, on erasmus, attempting to break the back of my dissertation.

Second Year Recap

the most important thing that happened to me this year, in terms of work and just in general, was the occupation.
this led. to this.

and then. this.

First Year Recap

so. first year.
mostly wasted in a haze of hangover.

book project was the best thing that happened. as it combined the media, including the first army style badge, i now employ within my practice.
and utilised a sweet quote from an iain banks book, where sweetness is not always easy to find.

"these were the days of fond promise. when the world was very small and there were still magic in it. He told them stories of the Secret Mountain and the Sound that could be Seen, of the Forest drowned by sand. They learned of distant times. And they believed all of it."


i am perservering. inspired by a lecture i went to yesterday on the importance of social networking. i think it was on that. but it was in turkish so who knows.

i was thinking i'd delete everything and start again. but on reading back through, i have decided to just delete a few posts, do a new mission statement and a quick catch up and we'll go from there. hoorah.

i am isobel.
i am 22 years old.
i am in my third year of a fine art course at newcastle university.
i am currently studying in istanbul as part of the erasmus programme. and i am enjoying it immensely.
and i have several friends. mostly based in newcastle.
i am a member of newcastle free education network. and my social life reflects this.
i like UKuncut and may '68 posters.
my artwork reflects this.
the purpose of this blog is predominately to document the progression of my artwork and my reference points.

Monday 18 July 2011


And that's Cuba in four blog posts. And nothing of ripe mango for breakfast every morning. swimming in natural lakes, horse riding around "prehistoric" landscapes. And rum. Copius amounts of rum.

Details of the Wall.

Palm Sundae.

Casa Particular.

Friday 15 July 2011


iyerr. totally back. totally good start. i'll show you what i did second semester. i'll show you cuba. i'll, i'll, be incredible.

Thursday 28 April 2011

The Grey Matter April 2011

massively grateful to everyone who wrote for me. i felt like i learnt a huge amount. i would like to become better. *

Monday 7 February 2011